Sunday, January 31, 2010

Xmas, Holiday's and lack of exercise!

Weight at last weigh in: 137.7
Amount of saline in balloon : 1160ml
Amount lost since last entry: 0kg, 4cm from waist, 2 cm from hips, 500g muscle.

So it's finally past the Christmas holiday period, my son is back at school after 6 whole weeks at home (well one of which he spent with his Dad but still...) and I should really be getting back into exercising but I can't seem to find the motivation at the moment. I know that exercising will act as a kind of mood lightener and I could sure use that about now but I just really can't be bothered. It's still too hot during the day, I can't go early morning because I'm a single parent and there's no-one here to watch my 9 year old while I'm gone. I also can't go late afternoon because my son chucks a mental if we have to leave the house once he's gotten home, the joys of raising a child with Autism! I can't afford a gym membership or any kind of work out equipment, not that I have room for a treadmill or exercise bike in my 2 bedroom, first floor shaped-like-a-box unit.

I took my son on a holiday down south during the school break, we went and stayed with a friend of mine in Grafton and took a day trip out to Tamworth. Well we left on the Thursday and came back on the Friday. Wasn't even there a full 24 hours but I got to meet an online friend I've known for 2 and a half years and it was about time too!

I did mean to do a few sessions on my friend Amanda's treadmill whilst we were staying with her but never got around to it. There was always something better to do, which usually saw me sitting on my ass on my laptop or swimming in her pool! I suppose the swimming was a kind of exercise but I wasn't doing laps, it was for leisure not exercise.

My goal, to get to 122kg by the beginning of April, doesn't seem to be within reach but that's my own fault.

I feel I also need an adjustment. I'm now able to eat twice what I was after my last adjustment, which is still at least 1/2 of what I used to be able to eat pre-surgery, but it worries me. I am going to ask for another 100ml put in. They would probably like to put in 150ml but that would make the amount in my balloon all odd number and my OCD is flaring up lately and that would drive me insane!

I have my clinic appointment on Tuesday (the 2nd Feb) so I will do an update when I've been.

The appointment I had on the 5th Jan showed that I hadn't lost any weight but I'd also not gained any so that's something I guess. I'm not going backwards, but not forwards either.

My goal for the next month is to do some form of exercise for exercise sake. I don't enjoy walking so it's not like I could do that for enjoyment and be inadvertently exercising at the same time. Perhaps I could make a promise to try and swim at least once a week (funds permitting) for recreation and exercise.

I will have to wait and see I guess.

That's all for now.

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