Thursday, February 25, 2010

New Purchase

I am now the proud owner of a pedometer. They were on special at the supermarket today so I thought I had better get one. Our psychologist, Warren, keeps on at me about just doing an extra 250 steps per day, that makes a huge difference, so I finally got a pedometer to count them and do just that.

I don't know how many steps I take in an average day so first I'm going to measure that, over a week, and average it out. Then I'll try adding 250 extra steps per day, or maybe more and keep a weekly record of it.

I'll even add it to these blog posts, though I don't think anyone at all is reading them. It's more just a record for myself I think. I can't imagine anyone being interested lol and I've not gotten even one comment so I'm assuming I alone am keeping up with my own blog. hehe

Ok that's all for now, laters.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure how big your readership is, though I do know at least one other person myself who reads your blog. I don't often feel the need to comment because you don't seem to write in a way that encourages conversation necessarily, more just to let the reader know how you are going. Good luck with your efforts re exercise.
